Last Week Of Warm Weather Before It Really Feels Like Fall

The weather in Ottawa was unusually warm this week (high 20c). With the wild weather we had in July (thunderstorms, small tornadoes and a flood), it seems September and this first week of October was much kinder to us. The weather dips down to the low 10c after Thanksgiving (which is on this coming Monday for Canada), so we tried to enjoy this week. This included walks, taking care of the plants, playing tennis and bike rides.

I’m going to miss the flowers and foliage I see along our walks. They are so interesting and vibrant

We started playing tennis this summer. It was really nice to just walk out in the morning to the nearby tennis court for exercise together.

Christian used the custom Roll-top bag that I made for him to put the tennis racquets and balls in. This is also the same bag he uses on his Brompton folding bike and short travels.

I also spent some time taking the indoor plants out to be re-soiled, watered and get some sun.

I gathered the beans, mint and basil I grew this summer. Ottawa has hot summers (and cold winters), so these kind of plants grow very well. I’m looking forward to creating a small garden next year and experimenting more with growing food.

This is probably the last bike ride for the season. It’s fun just to ride out and get some groceries. I use my Brompton compatible Medium Zipper Tote (in olive green) to put some fruits and vegetables in.
Thanks for coming by. I hope you also got some extended summer weather. -Cat