Looking For A New Studio


I haven’t updated the blog in some time (is she just being lazy?) A little downtime to be lazy sounds good to me right about now and I wish that was the case. I wouldn’t mind watching about a month worth of Netflix, going for leisurely walks and slow meals. That will be for another time. There’s plenty of work to do.

A lot has been happening here. Basically, I have sold my home in Vancouver and am looking for a new home studio. Thanks to wonderful customers who have supported my small business, I’m able to think about getting a bigger space to work more efficiently. I am truly appreciative. There is so much out there and for people to choose to buy from me is something really special. I treat each and every order with this in mind.

The above image is my favourite photo of the studio. I am still here, until I can find another.  I started the business here. What customers don’t know is that it really is only 90 square feet in size. Tiny. I’m an efficient person who is very organized, so I made this space work. However, I have more ideas and things I want to do so I have to leave this cozy space and look for something slightly bigger.

I promise to keep updating the blog for this new part of my life and business. Thanks for stopping by.




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