Custom Bag: Medium Zipper Tote and Hold Pouch Set – Charcoal Grey and Orange

Recently, I made a bag and pouch set for Karen in Vancouver, Canada. After a long work from home period, she needed a new bag to go around with.
Karen saw that I made a custom colour Flatpack Pouch in charcoal grey with orange and she really liked this combination. She ordered the Medium Zipper Tote and the new Hold Pouch for her everyday travels in these colours.

The bag has a total of 6 pockets; 2 exterior and 4 interior to organize all your personal belongings. The interior includes 2 water bottle size pockets that are also good for a folded umbrella.

The bag has a full YKK brass zipper top closure to keep all items secure. This is a very nice high quality zipper. One of the best on the market.

Inside one of the exterior pockets has a key ring for keeping your keys secure and easy to get to. The key clip wristlet is sold separately.

The Hold Pouch is a new item in the shop. It’s a perfect pouch for your small belongings with 3 interior pockets and 1 exterior pocket for your phone or small notebook.

The Medium Zipper Tote is actually my very first design for sale almost 9 years ago. At the time, I wanted to make a bag that was the perfect size for going about everyday, but it had to have interior pockets because I disliked a big pit for a bag. The full zipper top was also a must for security purposes. To this day, this bag is still one of my favourites.
The bags are made to order and takes 7- 10 business days before shipping. There are quite a few customizations that can be added to it including, a luggage strap, backpack straps and personalization. Here’s the link to the bags if you would like to take a look. Thanks!