The First Day Of Summer

Happy start of summer. After a 4 day heatwave in Ottawa (35-40c), it cooled down today. After living here for almost 5 years, I gathered that Ottawa only has 2 seasons- winter or summer. It’s either cold or hot. We’re either in 3+ layers or light clothing. Spring and Fall are very short seasons here.

It was a nice morning, so I took my Brompton folding bike out for a ride. My younger son and I rode to school and then I took the long way back. It rained overnight, so the air was cool. The plants and greenery seem to thrive in this weather.

I’m still using the custom Brompton Medium Zipper Tote, I made from a couple of years ago, in olive green with brown leather. This one is just enough to hold my personal belongings and water bottle.

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