Made to Order and Custom Bags / Mechanical Keyboard Sleeves
Small batch of Utility Totes in Charcoal Grey and Brown
This year, I’m doing things a little differently. I used to be able to keep a small batch of bags that are ready to ship. As you may know, I started a 2nd online shop with my husband selling specialty cases last year ( Modern Coup Cases). Both shops are keeping me very busy, so I decided the bags and cases will now be made to order/custom order. This is a very small business so to keep the quality high, each item needs to be made with thought and care.
This isn’t a huge change. I found by running Modern Coup (bags) that most people were looking for something uniquely theirs. I was making a lot of custom bags and that required a longer wait time.
- For anything that doesn’t have customizations added, it will be made to order and will take 5 business days to make before shipping.
- Anything that has customizations added will take about 7-10 business days.
Here’s one example of a mechanical keyboard case from Modern Coup Cases. The online shop opened last October and the response has been really nice. I really like working on these.